Tag Archives: bookworm

Welcoming you (and myself) to Bookworm Alley!

Well, I’ll start with saying that I’m a total non-expert. Actually, the training I have in reading and writing is mostly self-training. In the ninth grade in Israel, you won’t find many places to learn English literature. Except English class, but that kind of sucks here.

I must say that I’m a bit more… well, mature, than most fourteen year olds. And that is mostly due to the fact that I am a total nerd, know-it-all and a bit of a crazy genius. Try to imagine me as a combination of Hermione Granger and Luna Lovegood. And if you don’t know who these people are, I suggest you turn off your computer and go read Harry Potter. Right now. I’m not kidding.

Anyway, I’ve read my share of books for a fourteen year old. And I’d like to share them with you. Which is why I started this blog. It’s my second one (the first one is a personal blog, and you can find it here: http://soulofnerd.wordpress.com). The book reviews I’ll be doing won’t have a regular time, and I’ll just post one every time I finish reading a book or when I just feel like it.

I’d be more than happy for book recommendations in the comments… Living in Israel, I don’t really have the opportunity to hear about good English books often. And if I do hear about a specific book I want, I have to order it online. The book store here does have a few shelves for English books, but that’s not at all enough for me… So I’d be happy to hear your recommendations. 🙂

For you to know a bit more about me, here are some lists 🙂 :

Books I’m currently reading:

The Hobbit /J.R.R. Tolkien

The Painter from Shanghai /Jennifer Cody Epstein

On my list to read:

The Solitude of Prime Numbers /Paolo Giordano

Every Man Dies Alone /Hans Fallada

The History of Love /Nicole Krauss

The Lord of the Rings /J.R.R. Tolkien

Two favorite authors I can think of right now:

J.K. Rowling: I just can’t put into words how much she has done for me. She gave me an unforgettable childhood and I will always be grateful.

Roald Dahl: I’m in love with his creativity and I don’t care that his books are for children, I will always cherish the adventures he too me on, both during my childhood and now.


Anyway, what are you reading right now, and what’s on your list for the future? And who are your favorite writers? I’d love to know!

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